Basic Life Support Training For 62 Health Workers and Non-Health Workers in Nusantara Area by the NCA

SAMBOJA – The Nusantara Capital Authority (NCA) has held Basic Life Support (BLS) or first aid training for 62 health workers (nakes) and non-health workers from hospitals and community health centers (Puskesmas). This training is a program organized by the Deputy for Social Culture and Community Empowerment (Sosbudpemas), Directorate of Basic Services, NCA on Friday (6/10/2023).

A total of 62 health workers and non-health workers work in health service locations in the Nusantara, such as in North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU), Kutai Kartanegara Regency, and East Kalimantan. "Basic life support, or what we know as first aid or basic life support, we provide in the form of training for health workers and non-health workers who have been providing health services at hospitals or health centers in the NNC area," said Deputy for Sosbudpemas of the NCA, Alimuddin through Director of Basic Services of the NNC Authority, Suwito on Thursday (5/10/2023) in Sepaku.

He explained that BLS is a series of initial efforts carried out to maintain or restore respiratory and circulatory function in someone who is experiencing a condition that can threaten their life. "This rescue action is not only important for health workers to carry out, but also needs to be known and understood by commoner or those who are not health workers," he said.

According to Suwito, the training of Basic Life Support aims to increase knowledge and skills in emergency assistance in hospitals and health centers. "Such as respiratory and heart system emergencies," said Suwito. There are several health centers in PPU district such as Sepaku 1 Health Center, Sepaku 3 Health Center, Semoi 2 Health Center, and Maridan Health Center. Besides that, several health centers in Kukar Regency are Muara Jawa Health Center, Handil Baru Health Center, Samboja Health Center, Sei Merdeka Health Center, Batuah Health Center, Loa Duri Health Center, Jonggon Jaya Health Center, and Loa Janan Health Center. "The training was attended by health workers and non-health workers from two hospitals in the Nusantara area, namely RSUD Abadi Samboja and RSUD Pratama Sepaku. Meanwhile, there are 12 Puskesmas places," he explained.

The number of participants from health workers was 36 participants consisting of midwives and health nurses. Meanwhile, there are 26 non-health workers, they are health promotion workers, ambulance drivers, administrative officers, security guards, and cleaners who are on duty at hospitals and health centers. The training was carried out in collaboration with several partners such as the University of Indonesia (UI), along with experienced resource persons from Imani Care Jakarta and Surabaya, such as dr. Med, dr. Nyityasmono Tri Nugroho, dr. Ahmad Jamaluddin, dr. Achmad Fachry Prodjokusumo, dr. Ahmad Bakri, and Dian Eka Putra Suwarto. "The resource person is a team of BLS instructors from the University of Indonesia and is very experienced in their field," concluded Suwito


(Friday , October 6th 2023)


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Source :Nusantara Capital Authority Public Relations

07 Desember 2023

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